November 17, 2022 at 6:30PM
Sacred Heart High School, 399 Bishops Highway, Kingston, MA
Meet parental rights organizations:
1. Moms for Liberty
Parent Resource 10questionsparentsshouldask.pdf (
2. Massachusetts Family Institute
3. Health Rights MA.
Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, addressed the Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee of the US Congress today. The hearing, "Free Speech: The Biden Administration’s Chilling of Parents’ Fundamental Rights," examined the attacks on concerned parents’ Constitutional rights to direct the upbringing and care of their children. Justice spoke of the FBI’s targeting of parents just for raising questions at their local school board meetings.
1. Good afternoon, distinguished members of the Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee. My name is Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization that unites, educates and empowers parents to defend their parental rights. Founded in 2021, Moms for Liberty has 275 chapters in 44 states, and growing every month.
2. I want to begin by thanking you for taking up this important topic. Free speech has been chilled for too long by our own government and your attention to this issue is a patriotic act of bravery. I applaud you for bringing attention to the intimidation and harassment of law-abiding citizens.
3. Parents have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children. This instowed by government. Parental rights do not stop at the classroom door. We do not coparent with the government.
4. In March 2020, public schools across the country were closed without parental input. Tina Descovich and I, co-founders of Moms for Liberty, were serving on school boards in Florida. We got to see this situation both through the eyes of parents with children in public schools, and as school board members.
5. School districts shifted to virtual learning, but accountability for teaching and learning was lacking. Despite documented low student engagement, graduation rates remained steady, and federally mandated services were not being provided despite continued funding.
6. Parents watched in horror as teachers unions fought to keep schools closed. We watched as our children struggled with depression and anxiety, their development regressing at every turn. Nationally, parents were asking when and how we had become a nation more concerned with protecting adults than children?
7. Parents desperately wanted to help their children and they turned to their school boards to try to understand why it was okay for people to gather for riots in the streets but not for students to gather to learn in the classroom.
8. In the U.S., the right to petition the government to correct a wrong or achieve a goal is fundamental to the workings of our constitutional republic.
9. Parents who took up this right were silenced, then the premier law enforcement agency of the United States of America, the FBI, was used as a weapon by the DOJ against parents who dared to voice their concerns at the most local level- their school board.
10. Thanks to a whistle-blower, we now have evidence that Attorney General Garland instructed the FBI to take action against parents, and the FBI created a "threat tag" for parents who spoke up in a public meeting for their children. How dare you?
11. One of our Moms was ONE of those parents targeted.
12. One minute you are making lunches and packing backpacks, then the phone rang. It’s the FBI, asking questions about your remarks at last weeks school board meeting. Do you have a history of mental health illness? Do you have any guns in your home? Oh, and by the way, don’t tell anyone we called.
13. When this mother called me, I was numb. It was shocking. What was I to say? Can the FBI demand confidentiality? I honestly didn’t know. I immediately worked to make members of the Judiciary Committee aware of this situation.
14. Did the actions of the Biden Administration chill the free speech of parents? Yes. There is no doubt. It sent shockwaves across the country that we still feel today.
15. And what did this mom do wrong? She disagreed with her school board? That is not illegal. In this country, are we not free to have differing views?
16. 115k members strong, we attended school board meetings, often facing unjust treatment. Parents were expelled, their mics were cut off, and many were prevented from speaking. Americans peacefully exercising their constitutional rights were labeled as enemies of the state.
17. We are moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and concerned citizens. We are not “domestic terrorists.” We will not be silenced to protect a failing system.
18. The DOJ BETRAYED THE TRUST of the American people. There must be accountability. Thank you again for bringing this to light.
19. While the FBI made phone calls to parents who spoke out at meetings and wrote memos calling concerned parents “domestic terrorists” – I submit to you what the federal government was NOT doing was paying attention to the duty of schools to EDUCATE our children.
20. America's public education system is failing. These are the facts: In 2022, the National Center for Education Statistics conducted a study of the long-term trends in reading and math assessments for 9 year olds to examine student achievement during the pandemic. Average scores declined 5 points in reading and 7 points in mathematics compared to 2020. This is the largest average score decline in reading since 1990, and the first ever score decline in mathematics.
21. Perhaps, the silencing of parents was meant to hide these facts. But we see. Our eyes are opened to a distressing truth that our children are being taught to distrust the sanctity of their own homes and to view the nation as broken and unjust. We witness schools and states fueling this fire. Encouraging such beliefs to take hold.
22. I ask you to hold accountable those that violated their oath to the Constitution, who trampled on our right to be heard, and who sought to use their position of power to subvert “we the parents”.
23. The number one indicator of student success is parental involvement. Any action by government that undermines that, jeopardizes the very future of our nation.
24. We are Joyful Warriors. We are going to fight like hell for the future of this country with a smile on our face because our kids are watching Our members build relationships, spread truth to educate their communities and empower others to do the same.
25. The DOJ and the FBI made a mistake when they tried to get between us parents and our children. There is no power that supersedes a parent’s love for a child, and we will not be pushed out of the way in decisions about our children’s education or their future. That is the power of parents.
There is nothing more important to a parent than the well-being, education, guidance, and safety of a child. The government, be it national, state, county or community is not the co-parent, but rather a provider of a taxpayer-funded environment for learning.
That environment has become increasingly tainted with political and ideological overtones and undertones that many parents find inappropriate. The responsibility for this rests with Public School Boards whose members are elected officials representing the community and parents of students. It is the duty of the School Board to know exactly what is being taught.
Parents want to restore the relationship of accountability of School Boards to parents. School Boards, who are often pressured by outside interests such as superintendents, teachers unions and other political groups, have circumvented parental rights. Thus, we must swiftly act to implement a Parent’s Bill of Rights that:
1. Requires each school board to prominently post on the home page of its Internet site, and other public bulletin boards, information related to learning materials and educational activities used in pupil instruction in the school district and any procedure or policy related to the documentation, review, or approval of such learning materials or educational activities.
2. Ensures that schools provide transparency of materials designed for pupil instruction to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion and to give parents and students ready and unfettered access to review such materials.
3. Ensures that students, teachers, administrators, and other school employees recognize the equality, dignity, and rights of all persons and discourage public schools from teaching ideas and concepts that are contrary to this aim.
4. Ensures that public schools do not compel students to engage in political or social activism or advocacy.
5. Prevents government entities and actors from compelling students, teachers, administrators, and other public school employees to affirm prescribed speech or beliefs.
Center for Immigration Studies
Bill Clinton on YouTube
The Patriot Post
This is a man-made crisis of epoch proportions, based on the devious assumption that the new “migrants” will help to consolidate a permanent Democrat majority once they are settled.
The total number of illegal immigrants Biden has invited across our border in the first 20 months in office is close to 3.3 million. The surge includes criminals who are bringing record amounts of deadly fentanyl into the country, resulting in record deaths of American citizens.
These immigrant groups include increasing numbers of terrorists and other violent offenders. And sadly, some 200,000 unaccompanied children.
Consider that 3.3 million number again — you don’t have to be a math scholar to do a quick percentage calculation. There are about 330 million people in the United States, and 3.3 million is 1% of our entire population.
Are you shocked to know that Democrats, who were opposed to illegal immigration before they realized their political future was in jeopardy. They decided to replenish their ranks by throwing open our southern border.
For the record, remember when Biden was for border security before he wasn’t? In 2007 he stated: “It makes sense that no great nation can be in a position where they can’t control their borders”.
3.3 million reasons to Vote Republican!
Are You Better Off Today?
The Biden people say yes, things are just peachy. Well, this may be true within their insulated, protective bubble. But those of us who live in the real world have a dramatically different perspective.
The cost of living is sky high and heading up. Savings for many are depleted and millions of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. Lockdowns, school closings, mask mandates, the purposeful falsehoods about Covid, and the Marxist-inspired schemes to indoctrinate and sexualize children have simply added more layers of misery to this malaise.
Looming on the near horizon is the genuine threat of blackouts here in the northeast, and empty diesel reserves nationwide; disasters that could cripple our already limping economy and threaten our national security.
And speaking of national security, in this year alone, there have been 599,000 “got-aways” who walked through our wide-open southern border. Their identities and whereabouts are a mystery as well as their motives for avoiding border security.
Our pockets have been picked, our voices muzzled, and our freedom threatened.
Are we better off today? No, no, no!
Vote Republican!
Our Economy Is Tanking
The first president could not tell a lie. The 46th cannot tell the truth. Joe Biden fibs about birth, family, school, work, marriage (just a few of the minor aspects of life). Even his hairline tells a lie. Throughout his so-called career, Biden has fabricated and refabricated his resume’ and the truth.
So, day in, day out, the White House fire brigade is awakened by the cries of “pants on fire, pants on fire.” They’ve got to be the busiest folks in Washington. Joe just can’t keep from lying.
His latest whopper is that the U.S. economy is as strong as hell, a place where he may some insights. Of course, he overlooks an earlier fib that Putin caused this inflation. You can’t have a robust economy and inflation.
Someone inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is feeding him this fiction, and he devours it. In fact, the past twenty months have been chocked full of this deceptive bilge.
Lying denies reality. The economy is weak, and millions are being hurt by Biden’s intentional policies. 401-Ks are down more than 25%. Food, rent, gas and home heating oil prices continue to rise. On the horizon, it looks like unemployment will rise dramatically.
Forecasts say 2 million jobs will be lost between 2023 and 2024. Production is slowing down. Mortgage rates have tripled since April. Home values are sinking. The stock market is teetering. Our military is the weakest it’s been in decades because making it woke is making it weak. All the while, the radical leftists in this Administration keep pushing to indoctrinate and sexualize children. And, of course, the Chicken Littles of the world – John Kerry and his crowd – keep telling us the sky is falling and we have only months to live.
Your freedom of speech is being censored. But let’s go back to the economy for a moment. Recently, we have been given a possible solution to end inflation. This comes, not from the US Treasury, but from a learned economist and Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams.
Abortion! Stop having kids they cry! Kids are inconvenient, expensive and keep women from joining the workforce.
Yup, that’s their solution. It worked for Mao.
Think about it. Someone enters our country illegally, and before you know it they are given the privilege of a driver’s license…which opens a path to voting. This is unacceptable and un-American. Proponents claim this will make our highways safer. By what standard? They also assert this will allow “illegals” to get to their jobs. Do they know it is against the law to knowingly hire someone who is in the country unlawfully?
All the Democrats in our state legislature voted for this measure. Are they unaware that this act violates Section 8, USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii), of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act? Do they even care?
And, what about all of the people who entered here legally and are awaiting citizenship? They do count as do our laws.
Another strong reason - Vote Republican!
Parents Defending Education
Heritage Foundation
In elementary and secondary school settings, the pronoun has taken on new meaning for the purpose of creating political consensus and a “shared public philosophy”. Parents and educators must become more aware of this push to transform how children understand themselves. Kids are being taught to adopt a transgender identity if they don’t “feel” like a typical girl or boy.
This is part of a national effort in schools to ‘break the binary’ (boy and girl) by confusing young children about biological sex and indoctrinating them into believing that gender is just a spectrum. Anyone teaching gender fluidity to three year olds does not belong in a classroom.
If schools have equity departments or have approved equity statements in the past few years, it is likely they have added gender ideology and queer theory into their curricula. No school in America is safe. Even typically “conservative” states have schools that promote these unacceptable ideas in their classrooms.
The driving forces to push critical gender theory into classrooms includes consultants and political activists who want their ideologiestaught as fact to our kids. Parents Defending Education has a Consultant Report Card on their website that exposes these consultants and the schools that hire them.
Some of these special interest groups are: GLSEN, Learning for Justice, Human Rights Campaign, Gender Spectrum, Advocates for Youth, Planned Parenthood, and GSA Network. All pushing extreme ideologies in America’s schools.
Another strong reason to Vote Republican!
New York Post
World Medical Saviors
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in collaboration with the Mexican drug cartels have developed a new way to murder young Americans. Since July 2022, “rainbow fentanyl”, which takes the form of candy-colored tablets, has begun flooding over the wide-open U.S. southern border with Mexico. These deadly fentanyl pills are targeted at young people, including children.
As with most opioids that are killing hundreds of thousands of Americans every year, the precursor chemicals used to make “rainbow fentanyl” originate in Communist China. After all, “Bio-Chemical Warfare” is explicitly listed as an acceptable form of warfare in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) 1999 manual, “Unrestricted Warfare”.
The new candy-colored fentanyl has been found up and down our West Coast, including California, Oregon, and even in Idaho. DEA warns that the flow of these drugs comes directly across the U.S. southern border by way of the cartels.
The situation worsens daily, yet Biden’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to claim that the border is secure. All the while, the death tolls among Americans across the country continue to rise!
Moms For Liberty
Public School Exit
America Out Loud
Parents Defending Education
My Child Is Not A Pronoun
In recent years, critical gender theory activists have turned America’s education system into a tool to reach millions of children in an effort to teach and promote gender ideology. Schools now teach students—including kindergartners—that gender is malleable and disconnected from one’s sex.
Proponents of gender ideology have completely decoupled the terms “man,” “woman,” “boy” and “girl” from biological sex. Gender ideology teaches that the terms “man/boy” and “woman/girl”—and their corresponding “he/his” and “she/her” pronouns—refer to a person’s gender identity, while “male” and “female” refer to biological sex. While you may define a woman as a female human adult, gender ideology contends that a “woman” is an adult of either sex who simply “identifies” as a woman.
Elementary school students are now taught that they can pick the pronouns and identity that they believe best represent them and that gender can be fluid and change day to day. Parents and caregivers are left completely in the dark with no idea that their children have been encouraged to change their “gender identity” by teachers, counselors and other school staff.
CNN Business
Washington Examiner
New York Post
inflation has increased nearly 550% since Joe Biden took office 19 months ago; government spending has increased by $9 trillion; and year-over-year food prices are up more than 12%, which is the largest increase in American history.
Indeed, the number-one issue on voters’ minds is inflation, and the Democrats’ recent efforts — headlined by the Orwellian “Inflation Reduction Act” — have made it demonstrably worse.
Elsewhere in economic matters, the Biden administration has waged war on domestic energy production and thus American energy independence; gas prices are still way too high; fertilizer prices are up 30%; and our nation’s supply chain is still a mess, and rent keeps going up.
Reason enough to Vote Republican. Need another reason…winter is coming and the costs of home heating oil and natural gas are through the roof!
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